Mesquite Chocolate Chunk Cookies

A few years ago we visited a little bakery in Scottsdale Arizona. One of their signature cookies is the Mesquite Chocolate Chip Cookie. It was unique and delicious and I wanted to recreate it at home!

Mesquite flour/powder has a unique sweet and nutty flavor. It has a low glycemic index, but in this recipe when mixed with other sugars definitely isn’t a healthy food – but don’t let that stop you from enjoying every bite!!

Chunky Monkey Pancakes

Every Monday night when my kids were little we had breakfast for dinner. It was the one night we didn’t have one child sitting at the table for 30 minutes after the rest of us were finished staring at a serving of vegetables they didn’t want to eat!

We always love spreading a little peanut butter on top of our pancakes before dousing them with syrup. But mixing and heating the peanut butter and syrup together makes it into the delicious caramel-like syrup that we love!

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