Creamy and delicious!! Warning: once you make your own yogurt you may never go back to store-bought again!
Creamy Greek Yogurt
- 1-gallon whole milk
- 1 cup plain yogurt (with active cultures)
Pour the gallon of milk into a large pan on the stovetop. Over medium-high heat, stirring constantly to prevent scorching, heat milk to 180 degrees.
Remove from heat and let sit at room temperature until the milk comes back down to 110 degrees.
Whisk in the yogurt.
Pour into 4 clean quart jars. Put on lids and tighten them securely.
Place jars in a cooler. Fill the cooler with hot water (the hottest you can get from your tap – mine is around 115 degrees). Put on the cooler lid.
Sit undisturbed for 8-10 hours.
Remove jars from the water and dry them off.
Place jars in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours or until the yogurt is cooled. You can eat it at this point or if you want thick greek style yogurt you’ll need to strain it.
To strain: Place a fine mesh sieve over another bowl and pour the yogurt into the sieve. Place into the refrigerator until the whey drips into the lower bowl and desired thickness of yogurt is reached. Either discard the whey or reserve it for another use.
Note: don’t eat all the yogurt – reserve 1/2 cup to use as your starter in your next batch.